Finding Freedom From Your Fears
Fear: An anxious feeling caused by our anticipation of some imagined event or experience.
Some Common Types of Fears:
- Death (What’s on the other side? Is there another side? /Heaven & Hell)
- The Unknown (What’s going to happen next)
- Life (Beliefs that life can hurt you and let you down/Diseases)
- Loss (A loved one/Your home/A relationship/Job)
- Change (Work/Home/Good/Bad/habits)
- Separation (Abandonment/Rejection/Never finding love/Never being loved/Being alone)
- Mutilation (War-torture/Disease/Operation-loss of limb)
- Autonomy (Immobilized/Paralyzed/Restricted/Overwhelmed/Entrapped/Imprisoned/Smothered) Commonly known as Claustrophobia
- Not having enough money/Running out of money
- Judgement (Not measuring up/Not as good as/Self-Worth)
- Humiliation/Shame
- Phobias (Snakes/Heights/Water/Spiders, etc.)
- Failure (Personal & Business)
- Success (Personal & Business)
Suggestion: Make a list of your fears.
What drives fear?
Ego – Life is all about balance which means learning how to love all aspects of yourself which includes the ego. We fear the ego which in turn makes us…