Many people think of the new year as a new beginning; a fresh start if you will. To me, every day is an opportunity to create from a fresh palette so you can paint the picture you want for yourself that day in whatever way you wish. As I mentioned in the introduction to this paper, we are amid a huge shift in energies right now and I think we will be seeing a lot of changes personally and professionally this year. This is a good thing!! With this awakening comes a shift in frequencies. We will learn more about how to step away from our old egoic self and into the light of our soul. How exciting is that!!
Join me as we discover more about ourselves in every upcoming issue.
Health & Wellbeing
The new year tends to bring about thoughts of health and wellbeing so this is how I wanted to start this “New” paper and this “New” year. This is often the time of year we start new routines such as changing our diet and exercising more. As most of us know, this often leads us down a path of what we call “failure.” This is a very common form of self-sabotage and can become a habit if we let it.
But…what if we change our thoughts around this?