Previous Newsletters

Take the Leap

Take the Leap

Are you being called to “Take the Leap” toward or away from something right now? If so, know that the universe has your back. Here are 6 reasons to believe in yourself and take the leap.

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Being YOU

Being YOU

Have you ever asked the question “Who Am I?” I have, so one day, I decided to ask this question of my Higher Self and this is what she had to say…“First you have to know who you are, the truth. You are Beings that come from Love, part of the Divine Consciousness who have come here to experience the contrasts of darkness and light. It is a very interesting concept but…

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We live in a world that’s often focused on competition, productivity, and self-improvement but it’s generally all about external validation rather than internal reflection. Within our society there is a great deal of comparison, perfectionism, and self-criticism. We are driven to succeed on the outside but are not really taught how to succeed on the inside. Most of us are able to extend kindness and compassion towards others but fall short on doing the same for ourselves. It’s quite ironic really when we live in a world so focused on being first, we repeatedly put ourselves last.

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Creating a Sacred Space

Creating a Sacred Space

Having a sacred space, a place just for you, honors yourself, your soul, and the divine within you. It is a space where you can go to be in silence and listen to the whispers of your soul. It is also a wonderful place where you can be quiet and reflect on your life, breathe deeply, and take some time for “you.” Inside are ideas you can use to create your own sacred space.

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The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

Most people live their lives with that proverbial carrot dangling in front of them. They are rarely satisfied with what they have right now, always running after the next best thing that will hopefully make them happy.

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Making Time for Me

Making Time for Me

How much time do you make for you? Most of us make lots of time for others but rarely very much for ourselves and then things like our health can suffer. So why do we do this? Let me share some tips with you on ways to take care of yourself.

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The Power of Love

The Power of Love

There are so many programs out there shining a light on Self-love and each one approaches it differently so in this world of information, you really must go with your gut instincts as to which one feels right for you but most of these methods focus solely on the “outside” and the truth is, we require balance on both the inside and the outside.

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Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

One’s life Purpose can guide the decisions we make, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning in our lives. Our purpose in life comes in many forms so I have put together 8 keys to help open you up to who you are and what your purpose is at this time.

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What is a Dream?

What is a Dream?

Dreams awaken us to the fact that we are spiritual, interdimensional beings in the 3rd dimension. They are like a letter from our Higher Self to the conscious mind. They awaken us to higher resources of knowledge within ourselves, giving us information on what is happening in our daily lives and how to meet and
move through the problems that face us.

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The “Weight” of our Emotions

The “Weight” of our Emotions

We live in a society that seems to be obsessed with weight. In fact, they have built entire industries around this and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. We keep on looking for the magic pill that will help us one way or the other but are we looking in the
right direction?

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Finding Freedom From Your Fears

Finding Freedom From Your Fears

Fear is something that grips almost all of us at some point in our lives and if left unchecked, can become quite debilitating. Find freedom from your fears by recognizing, resolving, and then releasing them once and for all.

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What Defines the Ego?

What Defines the Ego?

Ego is your “I”dentity. It is who you consider yourself to be which is in fact a false identity as this is a temporary role you are playing. It is not who you really are.

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The Healing Power Of Water

The Healing Power Of Water

Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist and water researcher, revealed the true nature of water and how thoughts and vibrations affect the molecular structure of water.

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The more you hold onto the pain, sadness, and anger, the more you keep yourself held down and held back from really enjoying your life. You are essentially allowing them to keep on hurting you.

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Becoming More Self Aware

Becoming More Self Aware

As we awaken, we remember this and we start to live more from our intuition, our feelings as opposed to our head and our ego. Being self-aware is not something we have to learn per say, it is inherently who we are. What we are going through is a remembrance. We are waking up and remembering the truth.

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What are Your Triggers?

What are Your Triggers?

An emotional trigger can be anything from a memory (past trauma) to a current event. Knowing what your emotional triggers are and how to deal with them are a key component to your emotional health.
Here are some situations that can trigger intense emotions:

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In-Sight – Confidence & Trust

In-Sight – Confidence & Trust

To be confident is to believe in oneself and meet life’s challenges head on rather than hiding from them. Do you have difficulty making decisions? Many of us do. Much of the time, this is because we lack confidence in ourselves and we don’t trust the decisions we’re about to make. Why?

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Happy New Year 2023

Happy New Year 2023

Many people think of the new year as a new beginning, a fresh start if you will. To me, every day is an opportunity to create from a fresh palette so you can paint the picture you want for yourself that day in whatever way you wish. As I mentioned in the introduction to this paper, we are amid …

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In-Sight  The “New” Paper

In-Sight The “New” Paper

Committed to building a global community
for learning, healing, and elevated human connectedness.

What In-Sight is All About

I wanted this “New Paper” to be just that…New.
This is not a typical “newspaper” – it is far from that.
I intend for it to be insightful as well as to show you
that a new way of being and doing is In-Sight.

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