The “Weight” of our Emotions

The “Weight” of our Emotions

The “Weight” of our Emotions We live in a society that seems to be obsessed with weight. In fact, they have built entire industries around this and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. We keep on looking for the magic pill that will help us one way or...
Finding Freedom From Your Fears

Finding Freedom From Your Fears

Finding Freedom From Your Fears Recognize: Fear: An anxious feeling caused by our anticipation of some imagined event or experience. Some Common Types of Fears: Death (What’s on the other side? Is there another side? /Heaven & Hell) The Unknown (What’s going to...
What Defines the Ego?

What Defines the Ego?

What Defines the Ego? Eckhart Tolle wrote The Power of Now and throughout his writings you will find that he refers to the ego on a regular basis. I’d like to begin by addressing the ego as I have had many people be quite confused as to the meaning of the word. Let’s...