Take the Leap

Take the Leap

We’ve all had moments in our lives where we had to decide to take a leap and hope the universe would catch us. Maybe you are amid this decision right now, wondering what to do. Me too. Usually when we get to this place of deciding, it is because we feel a strong pull...
The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness People are hypnotized by the world of form and the pursuit of happiness but it cannot be found “outside yourself.” That is the ego playing tricks on you and keeping you in a state of always looking for the next best thing that will make you...
Making Time for Me

Making Time for Me

Making Time for Me How much time do you make for you? Most of us make lots of time for others but rarely very much for ourselves and then things like our health can suffer. So why do we do this? Well, mainly because we’ve been taught that it’s...
The Power of Love

The Power of Love

The Power of Love Our lives, all of what we go through here is for one reason…love. We learn from the darkness to appreciate the light and when we can evolve in that way, we come to know what true love really is. For me, this has been a long and hard road to get to...
Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose Through all my years of coaching, I think this is one of the most predominant questions people ask. What is my purpose in this life? We all come here for our own reasons and we all have a purpose. Everyone is just as significant as the other....