
The “NEW” Paper

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Take the Leap

We’ve all had moments in our lives where we had to decide to take a leap and hope the universe would catch us. Maybe you are amid this decision right now, wondering what to do. Me too. Usually when we get to this place of deciding, it is because we feel a strong pull to move in a new direction. Perhaps you know what you are being called to leap toward or away from but are scared to make the move. I think we’ve all been there and it can be very scary but also very exciting at the same time.

These are typically very monumental shifts in our lives that can and will change and challenge much of how you have known life to be but they are usually for the best and for our highest good in the long run. One thing we need to understand is that the universe, your guides, and angels ALWAYS have your back! This is sometimes hard for us to understand because we can’t “see” them at work for us but believe me, they always are and always will be. So, what are you being called to take the leap toward or away from right now? Maybe you are waiting for a sign? How about an instruction manual? Or permission from someone to give you the go ahead? All that would be nice to have; that “external” approval, but it’s not about anyone else. It’s only about YOU. It’s up to you to take the leap. It’s your choice. Always has been and always will be. The sign you are waiting for is the one you have been giving yourself for some time now. Maybe you have been feeling uncomfortable where you’ve been? Perhaps you’re in an old job or a relationship that just doesn’t “feel” right anymore. That is YOU telling YOU it’s time to take the leap. You have been giving yourself the signs all along. Whenever you feel like you are hitting walls and not getting anywhere, you are going in the wrong direction. Listen to your gut instincts. This is your intuition and it’s telling you that it’s time to shift out of the old patterns, the old ways of thinking and doing. It’s time to take the leap.

It’s very normal to feel anxious at the thought of letting go of what we know but this is the process We’ve all had moments in our lives where we had to decide to take a leap and hope the universe would catch us. Maybe you are amid this decision right now, wondering what to do. Me too. Usually when we get to this place of deciding, it is because we feel a strong pull to move in a new direction. Perhaps you know what you are being called to leap toward or away from but are scared to make the move. I think we’ve all been there and it can be very scary but also very exciting at the same time.

These are typically very monumental shifts in our lives that can and will change and challenge much of how you have known life to be but they are usually for the best and for our highest good in the long run. One thing we need to understand is that the universe, your guides, and angels ALWAYS have your back! This is sometimes hard for us to understand because we can’t “see” them at work for us but believe me, they always are and always will be.

So, what are you being called to take the leap toward or away from right now? Maybe you are waiting for a sign? How about an instruction manual? Or permission from someone to give you the go ahead? All that would be nice to have; that “external” approval, of ascension. This is growth and it’s unavoidable for all of us but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it can truly transform your life!

6 reasons to believe in yourself and take the leap:

  1. You are a Powerful Creator of Your Life – I’m going to let you in on something. YOU have been designing and creating your life all the way along. Yes, YOU. Believe in yourself. You know what you’re doing. For the most part, we have been very “unconscious” creators of our lives but there are ways for you to be a more “conscious” creator that will help you when taking that leap. One way is to begin a daily habit of writing down what you really want or desire you life to “feel” like. Tune into your heart, not your head. Tune into your higher self, not your ego self. Take 5-15 minutes a day to sit and ask yourself this question. Write down everything that comes up without judgment. After 7 days, look at each page and find the common thread. This will help you to see the direction you really want to go in. All perceived obstacles can be overcome. Allow yourself the luxury of exploring all possibilities.
  2. You Cannot Fail – We have been heavily programmed to think failure is a thing when in fact, it isn’t. Every single thing we do in life, we do for the experience. This goes for ALL things, big and small. You cannot and have not actually failed at anything in life. You have simply had an experience. My guides once told me to celebrate my perfection to which I said…” What?? We’re not perfect!” They said, in fact, you are. Look at how perfectly you wash your hair, brush your teeth, put on your eyeliner, etcetera. They said, even if you slipped and ran your eyeliner down your cheek, you will have done it perfectly. They went on to say that everything we do, we do it perfectly. Even when we get angry, we do it perfectly! Now I know this can be a challenge to wrap our heads around, but that’s only because we’ve been taught that failure is a thing. When you think about it though, they are absolutely right. We really do perform everything perfectly, no matter what the result is. If we don’t get the result we expected, it’s only because of our own expectations we have set around it. That doesn’t mean we haven’t performed it perfectly. So, know that when you take the leap, you really can’t screw it up. No matter what the result is, you will have done it perfectly.
  3. You Will be Able to Push Past Your Comfort Zone – Jiddu Krishnamurti once said “One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end.” This is so true! We think we are afraid of the unknown when in fact, every moment of our lives is the unknown. Think about it. We don’t know what’s going to happen next. Life is full of variables! Each moment really is unknown to us. When you wake up in the morning, are you afraid for the day? Of course not. But why not? If you truly feared the unknown, you would be in fear all the time. It is the known coming to an end that scares us. What you have become so comfortable with was actually the unknown too at one time but you lived right? It’s just a change of scenery that will also become comfortable to you in the near future so don’t be afraid to push past that old comfort zone. Take the leap. You will be okay.
  4. Your Self-Confidence will Improve – Taking the leap and doing something new takes courage and when we push ourselves beyond the boundaries and limitations we have surrounded ourselves with, we become more courageous and more willing to try new things. We tend to stay where we are because we fear what might be. This is called psychological fear and it is made up of the mind. It is never founded in truth. It is make believe but we believe it like it is true. This is where we have to become more child-like. When a child wants to do something, they don’t sit around and think about all the ways it could go wrong do they? They jump right in and they try. They are fully confident in themselves and their ability to do whatever it is and they don’t allow fear to take over. If it doesn’t work out the way they like, they simply try again and do it a different way. No big deal. It’s the ego in us that wants to attach a big story and add the drama to the things we do. What if we simply do what we love? When we take the leap and try, our confidence will improve and that can be very empowering!
  5. You Will Find Out Who You Really Are – Challenging ourselves to try something new is a great way to get to know ourselves better. This is a lesson in “Surrender.” To take a leap of faith as we call it, is to surrender to the universe and allow for ALL possibilities to arise and present themselves to us. We are very limited in our thinking. We do not know of all the ways wonderful things can come to us but when we surrender and allow it to flow, we let go of control and resistance and that is the key to success.
  6. You Will Feel Free – When we are not held back by fear, we are free to fly! Think of yourself as a hot air balloon. You currently have a bunch of sandbags weighing you down. Every time you decide to leap, you undo a sandbag, allowing you to lighten up. The more sandbags you untie, the lighter you become and ultimately you are able to soar! This is freedom!

So go ahead. Take the leap. Trust that the universe has your back and soar to where your heart calls you to be. Know that you are going to be okay. Enjoy each moment and live your life to the fullest!!

Work with me One to One: Soul Journey Guide/Mentor

Mentorship is a personal journey that you and I take together. I will help guide you to the next version of yourself, taking yourself from a place of chaos to a place of calm.

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