The “Weight” of our Emotions
We live in a society that seems to be obsessed with weight. In fact, they have built entire industries around this and it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. We keep on looking for the magic pill that will help us one way or the other but are we looking in the right direction?
We tend to look outside ourselves for the answers to most things when the truth is, the answers are and have been within us this whole time. So, how do we connect with that? How can we see what’s really happening deep within? Well, there is a wonderful book that can help us to see what’s going on on the inside so we can heal the outside. This book is called The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal and it’s my “go to” book when I want to see the truth behind things such as weight or illness.
For this particular In-Sight however, I am going to focus on the topic of being overweight. It’s interesting how almost all weight loss programs mainly focus on diet, food, exercise, and calories but that’s only part of this equation. The other part is your emotions. The past pain, trauma, fears, guilt, shame and so on that plays such a huge role in all this but is somehow often overlooked because…